Monday, August 15, 2011

Pizza, cupcakes and a (harmless) buzz.

One of my favorite and most fabulous friends, we'll call her Lynn, hosted a birthday party for her 4-year old on Friday evening at 5pm.   And guess what?  There were cocktails!

Yes.  My BRILLIANT friend served wine, beer and hors d'oeuvres at her 4-year old daughter's birthday party.  The kids made pizzas and cupcakes and all the parents got totally buzzed (when I say "all," I mean me and few others who shall remain fakenameless).  

It started out innocent enough with the typical kid chasing-each-other-and-banging-into-everything-and-screaming nonsense.  We were all frazzled.  Don't touch that!  Put that down!  Those presents aren't yours!  Do you have to pee?  I can tell that you do!   HEY!  GET AWAY FROM THAT OVEN! 

She was less scary in person.
Then Julia, the party lady, comes.  Like a fairy godmother sent from heaven (in heaven there is always someone to take your kids to make cupcakes when you are about to lose it), she swoops in with a metaphorical wave of her wand.  She lines them up.  She walks them into the other room.  She closes the door.

We exhale.

Now you might have guessed by the title of this blog that I depend on enjoy an occasional glass of wine. And it just so happens that I'd had one of those years days that can make you want to audition for reality TV drink.  So, I thought to myself (how clichè), what the heck? I'll have one glass of wine, some prosciutto with melon, and just unwind a bit.


It's not like James Bond would 
have been there anyway...
That the perfectly chilled bottle of Pinot Grigio didn't stand a chance.

Before I know it I've had three glasses of wine, NO prosciutto with melon, and I'm desperately trying to get invited to that evening's "dads only" poker night.  Yes, I'm serious. I really tried.  

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't making a complete fool of myself the only one being a bit silly.  Girlboyfriend, the drinks were flowing as fast as the juicy gossip.  For real (snap, snap).  We were standing around, drinking and eating and drinking, and wondering why NO ONE had thought of this before (if someone out there had already thought of this and didn't tell me I'm gunna be right pissed.).  Of course, we always enjoy pleasantries over ice cream cake and pizza.  But, let me tell you, the pleasantries are MUCH more interesting after a few glasses of wine.

Public Service Announcement:  Have a designated driver.  Mine walked there from the train station (thanks, honey!).

So thank you, Lynn.  Everyone had a really great time on Friday.  Yes, I know what some of you are  thinking....maybe we had a little too much fun?  Perhaps. But, you know what?  We all work hard - really damn hard.  Parents or not, we give and give and every once and a while it is liberating to live with just a smidge of reckless abandon...even just for an hour while the kids decorate cupcakes.

Now I know not everyone has a friend as fabu as Lynn.  But, fear not.  There are plenty of other things you can do when when you feel like you've given all that you can and you just need a bit of a buzz.  Perhaps try one of these suggestions on for size:

  • Run out and buy those sexy shoes you saw at Bloomies (Or if you wait until October they might be on sale).
  • Plan a spontaneous weekend away with your spouse or best bud (Just make sure you can line up a babysitter and/or have someone watch the cat).
  • Is this guy really looking at his watch? 
    Buzz kill, dude.  
  • Go f-ing skydiving! (Are life insurance payments current? Have you updated your will?)
  • Call that ex-girlboyfriend you've been thinking about (Single readers only. I'm serious. Put down the phone.).
  • Get a trampoline in the backyard (Please double check that you actually put it together properly).
  • Go platinum blond (Just don't try to do it yourself. It never ends well.).
  • Buy that iPad already (They are really super cool, but do you really need the 3G version?)
  • Get a little drunk at a party (or if you're with your boss, just have one glass of wine and some cheese).
Please don't forget to call me and let me know how it goes!  Heck, I might even join you if I don't have to work, go food shopping, do laundry, pay bills, drive a carpool, make dinner, take a conference call, clean the kitchen, or plan a birthday party.

Happy Tuesday!
