I really don’t think
There ever could be
Another supermarket
as fine as thee.
Your produce is fresh.
Your snack food, the best
My will power, it seems,
Cannot stand the test.
I go with a list -
Three items, or four.
And always come out
With way, way much more.
Try some risotto, you say.
Why not? Sure. Okay.
Wow. My gosh.
That is good.
I could make this someday
(though likely I'll buy it
and forget it 'till May).
And so it goes,
Aisle, by aisle.
The options keep going
mile by mile.
The cookies, the nuts,
the ice cream, the cheese.
Oh mommy, oh mommy!
Can we have this... PLEASE?
So I fill up my cart.
And their little ones too.
You really do make it
So easy to do.
Twelve fuits bars,
Four peppers, bananas
And more.
My kids like two banshees
Around the whole store.
One might feel bad
For the mess that we make
If it wasn’t so clear
It’s a risk that you take.
You make it inviting.
You want us to come.
So we go when we’re bored.
(We all know you’re not dumb.)
By the time it’s all through,
I’m not sure what to do.
I’ve spent too much money
And calories too.
But my kids have had fun
So I feel like I won.
‘Cause it gave us an outing
When we might have had none.
Thank you, Trader Joe's!